Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Basic Definition of Worship

Worship is an honest response to what we treasure most. With both our words and actions, we honor what we most delight in by turning our focus and adoration towards that source of joy. Christian worship is a believer's response to who God is and what He has done.

A Christian response to the person and work of Jesus begins with adoration. If one believes Jesus of Nazareth truly is the second Adam, sent by the Father to reconcile humanity (cursed in nature by the Fall of Adam), the most appropriate response is grateful adoration of Jesus, the Christ. The second response of Christian worship is confession. Recognizing the holiness of God, we confess our sinful nature, and adore God for giving us unwaivering hope in the finished work of the Cross. We come boldy to the throne of God, for we have a great High Priest in Jesus who presents His righteousness as our own (Hebrews 9:11-28). For a Christian, worship then ought to be a broad response of both sorrow and unhindered joy as the salvation of man is remembered and celebrated.